- Traditional Chinese Character(HanT):
- Simplified Chinese Character(HanS):
- Bopomofo(Mandarin Phonetic Symbols): ㄧㄡˋ ㄨㄟˋ ㄔㄤˊ ㄙㄨㄛˇ ㄩˋ ㄌㄧㄤˇ ㄅㄧㄝˊ ㄑㄧˋ ㄅㄨˋ ㄒㄧㄡ (ㄧㄨㄔㄙㄩㄌㄅㄑㄅㄒ)
- Bopomofo(Zhuyin Keyboard Input/IME): "u.4jo4t;6nji3m4xu;31u,6fu41j4vu. " (u.4jo4t;6nji3m4xu;31u,6fu41j4vu.)
- (ASCII) Hanyu Pinyin: "yoweichangsuoyuliangbieqibuxiu" "Yo4Wei4Chang2Suo3Yu4Liang3Bie2Qi4Bu4Xiu1" "Yo4 Wei4 Chang2 Suo3 Yu4 Liang3 Bie2 Qi4 Bu4 Xiu1" (YWCSYLBQBX)
- (Latin) Hànyǔ Pīnyīn: YòWèiChángSuǒYùLiǎngBiéQìBùXiū [ Yò Wèi Cháng Suǒ Yù Liǎng Bié Qì Bù Xiū ]
- (英文翻譯) English Translation: "The young are nurtured by the elders, and the two of them cry endlessly when they say goodbye."
- (西語翻譯) Traducción Español: "Los jóvenes son criados por los mayores y lloran sin cesar cuando se despiden."
- (日文翻譯) 日本語翻訳: "若者たちは年長者たちに育てられ、別れのとき二人はいつまでも泣き続ける。"